Author: mrhensonllc

Books Are Your Friends

(2024-09) A dear friend of mine had a great saying she shared with me many years ago – “Books are your friends!”  I believe this, don’t you? I love books and I love to read.  I started collecting books in ninth grade when I joined the Military Book Club (I’ve been a WW2 history buff […]

Meeting the Masters

(2024-08) I believe that inspiration and learning is improved through direct exposure to leaders in a particular field.  I’ve been very fortunate to meet many masters in the self-development field.  In high school, one of my first dates with my wife was to see Norman Vincent Peale (author of “The Power of Positive Thinking”) speak.  […]

“Stuff” Happens, But Should It?

(2024-06) Sometimes accidents and incidents happen when you least expect it.  We’ve heard the phrase “stuff happens” (or the vulgar version) to depict many unfortunate events. In my opinion, this phrase is overused to the point that people can shrug off preventable incidents.   Should we always expect accidents?  Why is it that some people, companies, […]

What Style of Leader Are You?

(2024-05) What style of a leader would you say you are?  I had a couple conversations recently where someone told me I was a servant leader.  Another person told me that my style really impressed him.  When he saw the impact of my leadership expressed at my retirement party in 2019, this impact (expressed by […]

Yellow Bugs and Other Life Lessons

(2024-04) My last post ( got a few comments.  One of the comments was from one of my favorite friends from my life in Northern California.  Ray Abraham posted a simple comment on my personal Facebook page about the post. Ray’s impact on this trip, and my life in general, was so much more than […]

Long Way Home (Making Memories)

(2024-03) Last October and November, I had some entertaining pictures show up on my Facebook page from fifteen years ago (October 2008).  For ten days in a row, my memories showed up and it got me thinking about social media, memories, family, friends, and adventure because I joined Facebook in 2008 strictly to share these […]

Try New Things

(2024-02) I recently read a great quote from an author named Neale Donald Walsch: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” This quote really resonates with me.  There have been many times I’ve been at the end of my comfort zone.  I admit to turning around more often than pushing on.  When I […]

The Ballad of Hobie Mike

(2024-01) While one would think helping a neighbor in their time of need is always the right thing to do, it can sometimes come with surprises.  Othe story of our surprise is still the source of laughter in my family many years later.  In 1967, I was in fourth grade living in a small town […]

The Toxicity of Divisiveness

(2023-9) I recently saw a television commercial that caught my attention instantly.  It started off with a voice and a simple message on the screen – “THIS COUNTRY HAS NEVER BEEN SO DIVIDED.”  My mental reaction was to expect a political commercial, so I stopped what I was doing to pay attention.  It turned out […]