Divine Appointment

As a leader, who is a Christian, I strongly believe in divine intervention and divine appointments.   On Monday, May 21, 2018, I was on the receiving end of a divine appointment.   I had just enjoyed a wonderful weekend with my family.  My girls (wife, two daughters, and granddaughter) spent over three days of great bonding time.  We took a good road trip, enjoyed time with my 87-year-old father, and then spent Sunday with my extended family.

Monday morning in Dallas, I had to leave my girls and take a flight back to Houston for work.   They waited with me at the hotel while I ordered an Uber to DFW.   I said my goodbyes when my ride showed up and went to put my luggage in the Uber’s trunk.   When I looked in the trunk, I saw three books: a Bible, a concordance, and a John Maxwell book (Developing the Leader Within You 2.0).   I introduced myself to Timothy, my driver.

In the car, I told Timothy I saw the three books in his trunk and was impressed.   I then spent the next 40 minutes in the best Uber ride I’ve enjoyed.   I found out that Timothy is a pastor and fellow student of leadership.   We talked about faith, family, leadership, and John Maxwell.   Timothy told me he wasn’t looking forward to his Uber shift that day, but was so encouraged after our ride that he was looking forward to the day.   I shared that I was sad to be separated from my girls, and wasn’t looking forward to my day either.   After our ride, I was excited to tackle work and the week.   What a blessing!

Why did I think this ride was so special?   I feel that Timothy and I were two men needing comfort, support, and encouragement so we could go about our work to provide for our families.   That’s exactly what we got that Monday morning.   Divine appointments are wonderful things!

As a leader, you need to be always on the lookout for divine appointments.  Through it, you can grow into the leader you are meant to be.

I hope this post gives someone the encouragement they need to face the challenge that confronts them.   On May 21, 2018, I was encouraged to take the time to connect with Timothy in an intentional way.  If this post encourages you, chalk it up to divine intervention!

6 thoughts on “Divine Appointment

  1. Rob

    I’ve had similar experiences while riding up the airport with Uber, often at predawn hours. You never know who you’ll meet.
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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