This last Thursday was Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. As I started preparing for this holiday, I thought I should do the holiday right and remember all that I have in my life to be thankful for. It’s a shame that we don’t often reflect on the many blessings we have in our lives except for one day a year. The past two years have been a bit better for me. I try to journal my prayer time every day. My daily prayer journal includes a small paragraph for giving thanks. It’s been nice, and has an effect on my outlook. I don’t seem to have the stress I used to (yes, even retired people have stress!). I highly recommend contemplating gratitude and thankfulness each day. It will give you a fresh, new perspective on life.
The past year or so has been rather chaotic if you listen to the news. It seems to me that there is so much divisiveness in the world today. I don’t think it’s ever been this bad, but maybe I’m wrong. This divisiveness seems to cause everyone to look for all that’s wrong in the world, and all the wrong “they” are doing (regardless of who “they” are). I’ve got the start of a post on the destructive nature of divisiveness, so stay tuned.
This year, I am thankful for many things:
- My Faith: if you’ve read my posts, you know that I profess to be a Christ-follower. I rely heavily on my faith for comfort and peace. This has given me a sense of calm in this crazy world. I hope you have some strength you can rely on.
- My Family:
- This December, I will celebrate my 43rd wedding anniversary with my wife. I am so blessed to have a mate like her. Sometimes it’s only the two of us against the world, but I always have a teammate. I can’t imagine life without her, and look forward to what the future has in store.
- We have two grown daughters. Children truly are a gift from God (IMHO). Our two daughters are both mothers of their own now. It’s incredibly rewarding to see how these two have grown and matured into amazing humans and loving mothers. I am so proud of both of them.
- We now have three grandchildren (one girl and two boys). Man, I can’t adequately express how much fun it is to be a grandparent. We have had the distinct honor and privilege of supporting our working daughters by providing supplemental childcare for them. Grandchildren keep you young at heart, and at the same time can make you feel very old. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
- I have a remarkable relationship with my 91-year old father, and am so glad we talk often. I’ve already written a post about extended time with him last year (add link), and plan to publish a post on the leadership lessons I’ve learned from him.
- I have two sisters. Unfortunately, we don’t live close by, but I still have a good relationship with them and enjoy catching up with them about their lives, and the lives of their extended family. We’ve grown a bit closer over the last year, as we’ve discussed my dad’s health and future.
- Our extended family is pretty large. We are hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year. There will be over 30 people here, split between adults and children. I’m looking forward to the family time.
- My Health: for my age (63), I’m still in relatively good health. I’m blessed. I don’t take any prescription drugs. I do take supplements. I get regular exercise. I can’t do the things I used to do, but I can still get around pretty well.
- My Friends: I’ve reconnected to quite a few friends this past year. It’s been great finding out what’s been happening in their lives. I’ve also been very pleased with the comments I’ve received on my blog posts. It’s been heartwarming.
There are so many “things” (possessions) I could be thankful for. When I look back on the four things I’ve listed above, nothing else truly compares.
What are you thankful for? I’d love to hear your thoughts on gratitude and thankfulness.

I am thankful for family and relative good health. Also had a nice talk with your dad this AM. Good conversation and he is proud of his family. You are fortunate to have him
Uncle John, thank you so much for your reply. I am thankful to have you in my family! You are right – I am so very fortunate to have Dad in my life. He was my best man in my wedding, and is still a great friend as well as father!
Mike, I enjoy reading your blog. I need to formulate my thoughts before actually writing them down here but I have thought much of what I am thankful for this year. Will get back to you. Hugs to you and your wife of 43 years! Andrea
Andrea, thank you so much for your kind words! Hugs to you and Steve!